Dansk med Tina
Dansk online leg og læring for mindre børn
Min online legegruppe på dansk er for børn i alderen 3 til 5 år. ​For at at maksimere interaktionen mellem os, er der kun 2 børn / familier i hver gruppe, og tidspunktet er efter aftale.
Alternativt tilbyder jeg 1-1 dansk leg og læring, samt DSA (Dansk Som Andetsprog) undervisning for alle aldre. Se mere forneden.
​For at booke eller høre mere, email tbollerslev@hotmail.com og fortæl mig hvilket hold passer jer bedst.
All Danish lessons and prices
Legegruppe - Playgroup
For children aged 3-5 in groups of 2.
£35 per student per session of approximately 40 minutes.
Danish language and culture through fun, songs and play
Includes materials and links sent in an email afterwards to
support further learning about the topic of each session.
One-to-one learning
Private lessons
£65 per hour
All the materials and links will be emailed to you immediately after the lesson along with homework and practice.
Children's one-to-one
Private lessons
with personalised homework
£50 per lesson (approx. 40 minutes)
All the materials and links will be emailed to you immediately after the lesson along with homework and practice.
Study with a friend
Two-to-one lessons
with personalised homework
£40 per hour per student
All the materials and links will be emailed to you immediately after the lesson along with homework and practice.
Children's group (max. 4 students)
Small group of maximum 4 students
with personalised homework
£35 per per student (approximately 40 minutes)
All the materials and links will be emailed to you immediately after the lesson along with homework and practice.
With a passion for languages and a keen interest in other people, I was born to be a language teacher!
At university, I specialised in second language acquisition, and I have 20 years´ experience of teaching English to all types of learners from absolute beginners to advanced learners.
Danish is my mother tongue. When I had children in the UK, I became obsessed with teaching them Danish, acutely aware that passing on your own language to the next generation is very rarely successful in a different language community. I took on the challenge with great enthusiasm and dedication. I devised games, routines and tricks to support their Danish language acquisition. Here in Cambridge, I started a Danish parent group and every year I organised Julestue, Fastelavn and Skt. Hans. The kids are now both fully bilingual, but my Danish language project does not end here. I am now a Danish teacher and love it.
Please email me at tbollerslev@hotmail.com
or fill in the form below
Contact me
My office
I am based in Cambridge, UK.
The lessons are on Zoom.